Good project
Awful day but some good bits. Managed Kiné with difficulty, but Julien is kind, patient and encouraging. I felt very wobbly today.
Then had remembered to ring Thai takeaway earlier and so was welcomed like an old friend and had my red prawn curry brought to me. Excellent although French people still not over keen on such a spicy offering. Had to park a walk away so passed some interesting shops. Not something I usually do and strolling up the main street was good. Some new shops which mainly seem oriented towards wealthy tourists. And there are these bird boxes made by two local primary schools. Nice!
Went to supermarket on way back and my two bank cards were refused! Paid by cheque in the end. I was already very upset as I'd had to queue for ages for the checkout which was marked "prorité" for handicapped. It had a huge queue and when I questioned a staff member was told I should just wait. I was almost crying with pain in my foot as standing so long (and still no sign of shoes).
Home to my chaotic house!
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