Place: Greenville, SC 53/71
Main activity: Thurs - errands, packing, organizing, cleaning
Notes: Another busy day. Awake 345-6a something and then dozed a bit more. Chilly morning and Lizzy had her coat on for awhile. Had to work on printer again w/ Kathy's laptop to get it working to print her x-ray order. We headed out ~10a, first stop busy Costco, there quite awhile and I got some things too. On then to a fairly busy Trader Joe's for another big batch of stuff, small amount of things for me to take back. Continuing to Whole Foods for just a few things. Was nearly 1p by the time we got back and took awhile to unpack and get everything put away. Had to rearrange the freezer a bit. Ate then, did our own things. I continued organizing then and packing my stuff up. Put more in the car, got lots of garbage together and put that out, packed up more of what I could. Finally headed to shower ~4p and cleaned it while I was in there. Feels like the day flew by, not really restful at all. Probably good as lots of lasts happening and a bit hard to let go in some ways tho needing to move on. 

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