River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Yesterday’s Plants …

… as promised, these are my purchases from yesterday’s visit to Castle Gardens:
Evening Primrose: Oenothera “Apricot Delight”
Foxglove: Perennial Digitalis 
Sea Holly: Eryngium planum
I’m looking forward so much to seeing them all flowering next year, inshallha (if Allah wills it) …

Moved lots of small pots around between different parts of the garden - anything still flowering has pride of place opposite our living room window :-)

Some pots have been moved to the far side of the garage, where I hope to plant them in the long border next Spring.

Pruned a few more long branches from the yellow elderflower and found 2 nice runner beans whilst I was doing so! Cut an overhanging branch of the Bramley cooking apple and got 3 lovely apples to add to my collection - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/3160668845023167970

MrD intends jet washing the patio, so all the smaller pots have been moved and I’ve left the larger pots for him … when the weather has settled a bit, we have Storm Babet currently causing chaos in Scotland :-(

It stayed dry and was pleasantly warm all day. A small group of long-tailed tits were in our big maple as I was preparing dinner late afternoon, so nice to hear their chattering :-)) I’m still putting kitten biscuits out for the hedgehogs but haven’t seen them …

Love and hugs to all my family XXXX XXX XX

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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