Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Parsley in the garden.

The Feast Day of Saint Frideswide, daughter of Didian, a Mercian prince of the 700s

Today was mixed weather that included sunshine, cloud and light rain. 19.4c indoors. The lawn is soggy with all the recent rain. The conservatory has grown so cold Paul went out to buy a fan heater and it is now improving the warmth and making it a useable place for Winter. I sit mainly in the front room near all my books, and wool! Paul and me meet up if anything needs our joint attention.
These are a few reasons why parsley, as in the photo today, is nutritious and good to eat raw or cooked.
Parsley is a source of phytoestrogens. It is a plant easy to grow or buy from a supermarket, and is a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and other antioxidants. Parsley has an abundance of iron, more than spinach.

I stayed here doing housework and Paul went out to shop for us.
Later I did some crocheting of a scarf I am making for charity.
Then I had a short walk to deliver a gardening magazine to a friend nearby and a copy of The People's Friend to a kind lady who lives on the street where we used to live. Afterwards I walked to the canal viewing place and I was so happy to see Tabby cat strolling towards me, carefully walking on the old wall.
I saw a beautiful pair of swans swimming on the canal and lively mallards.The Elsie narrowboat had moved along, but was near the Canalside cafe. The clouds were moving and it rained before I got home.
The pointing of our brick wall has been completed and looks well done.
Thank you for visiting my site and stay well in the changing Autumn weathers.

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