Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Little boy, big tunnel.

We pass through this tunnel in the school run everyday. It is always a great opportunity to make lots of noise as the acoustics make it all the louder. This is on the way back this morning, William stopped his impression of an Olympic athlete (on your marks, get set, go! Followed by a mad sprint for about 20m and repeat) to become a big bear and frighten me.

The lurgy may have arrived in the Faulkner household. I woke with swollen tonsils and a small amount of pus on them (I'll give it 24hrs before I decide on going to GP or not). Carys has a seal lion of a cough and complained of ear pain again and William complained of a sore head! Not like him at all to complain. On the plus side, despite a hacking night time cough William slept through for the first time since camping. Hurray!

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