
By Dee49

Birds or Bunting?

I should have went with the birds. Not that the bunting was difficult to get a shot of, but hanging the bloody stuff was a nightmare!

It's my village gala this Saturday, so I searched desperately for somewhere I could buy bunting and got 3 packs.
Hanging out Neve's bedroom window, I spotted old George from next door and jumped on the chance of his help. Two sets of tied together bunting later, he tied it to the fence.
Lucy by this point had been sent down the street on her scooter to get another pack coz I was short!!. Back she comes with different bunting coz the others had sold out and it was still too bloody short!!!
Bundled 3 kids into the car and zoomed back to the shop. Phew!! They had some left.
So there I am again, hanging out the window with Lucy trying to stretch this stuff to the fence!!

And it snapped!!! By this point I'm ready to scream. No wait, I did scream!!
Ran back downstairs, tied it all together again, ran back up stairs and attempted to tie it to the window. And then....................... it slipped from my fingers and flew down into the garden!!!!!

Another scream of pure frustration lol!!!
Ran back down, ran back up, tied the damn thing.................. voila :)

So here's my bloody bunting lol!!! £10 worth of bunting no less!! Appreciate!! :))

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