"Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits." (I don't think it merits a ©.

It when "I just sits" that things, accidental-like present themselves.

The day's barely left the starting blocks and this presented its self.

One of my, current, time-wasters is watching the buddleia alternifolia grow. While doing so this a.m. I spotted a cock-sparrow flitting in and out of the Rhodos feeding a sprog.
As it seemed to be "set-fair" I thought "Right, drag out the big lens".
Got set up, got focussed on the spot, young "Spuggy" too well hidden for a shot, spotted Mrs. Blacky lurking and looking, prior to diving into the nest tree. She, kindly, lurked long enough to get a focus. And then, obligingly, moved forward hopwise, pausing at each hop.


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