
By Marionb

Peace at last!

The woman's friend Mary has gone home, and life is back to normal... Whew! Having a house guest was exhausting!

There was no quiet ...nothing but endless chatter. You would think that over a 10 day visit they would run out of things to talk about? Not a chance! Natter natter natter...and always in my the living room by the fire..when I just wanted to nap in peace! 

On top of all that?..Mary claimed one of my chairs as hers...which meant I was limited to only 4 napping spots for the duration! At least my woman knows her place..and it is not in any of my chairs!  She has the sofa..and only the sofa...

I really liked Mary .. but it was hard work...I had to fill her in on how things work in this where to not sit!  She was not a totally novice cat owner..her new cat Peerie had already managed to educate her as to some of the rules of cat ownership; I noted that she already knew that cat breakfasts take precedence over everything - including what time they will be served...and by whom. Cats wait for no-one in particular - anyone will do to put food on the floor, so whoever is out of bed first, gets the job. She seemed to know that already..and when she got up first, without being told, she filled my dish. Kudos to Peerie for that! 

However, Mary never did master the litter thing...she didn't seem to know that if I report that I have done my business, she is to get up immediately, clean the box and give me a treat...Her cat Peerie must not be aware of that, which surprises me...If I could write, I would email her and tell her to update her training sessions! 

So, now it is just the woman and me - and as she has no-one here to talk to, it is so much more peaceful and quiet. I do miss Mary - she made quite a fuss over me - but I like silence better...

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