
By stujphoto

Dunbar Harbour

After a long walk this morning in the drizzlw and the rain, the sun decided to show itself this afternoon. As we have my step-daughter staying we went out for a nice long leisurely lunch and then popped down to Dunbar Harbour. despite living only ten minutes away from her it is not often that I am in the harbour area so I thought it would be nice if for once I did a blip of our home town, Dunbar.

The harbour is perhaps the most significant focal point for the town as it has had a harbour from the 14th century and the remains of the castle on the hill at the back indicate Dunbar's importance in the ding dong batlles of those eraly centuries when the fortifications played a crucial role in the ding dong battles between the East Lothian and Border chieftains.

My usual view of the harbour is from the swimming pool which stands on the hill to the left of the castle remains (looking a bit like a modern church) as I go there twice a week to swim and from the car park I can look down at the harbour.

I chose to give you a monochrome rendition as the sky looked so blue and interesting it detracted from the main interest of the harbour where there is lots to see. Definitely best seen LARGE

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