'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri

More wall art

It was too wet to go out so you get another writing on the wall. I'll have to change the photo because I saw too late that I blipped this before.

Was not that cold today, but wet.

Had fights with people who don't pay their bills. Now it our fault.

We're having website training tomorrow. 10 people of which at least 9 know nothing about websites & the trainer sitting in France at the other side of a telephone line. It may be fun.

Had roast chicken & rice for tea with Drakenskloof Pinotage.

Shock & Horror! When I looked back to add the links to previous wall writings I saw that I had not blipped on 15 October. How did that happen? Hope I took a photo that day and that it is still saved somewhere.

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