
By astudyinscarlet

dictionary day eleven: ripple

ripple n & v - n 1 a ruffling of the water's surface, a small wave or series of waves 2 a gentle lively sound that rises and falls eg of laughter or applause 3 a wavy appearance in hair, material, etc 4 elec a slight variation in the strength of a current etc 5 ice-cream with added syrup giving a coloured ripple effect

well, i was sorely tempted to go shopping to fulfil #5, but when it started to monsoon i snapped a puddle instead - far fewer calories!

didn't get round to the cleaning i'd planned, but i did get some useful repotting done, thus felt justified in rewarding myself with pizza (small, with extra chicken, so almost neutralising the unhealthy effect) and some 'doctor who'. and after last night's getting shirty about what i thought was a perfectly reasonable request, and being determined to suggest we were fighting when i wasn't in the slightest, i'm leaving well alone...

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