
By PorridgeWog

Same but different (Day 3081)

Early morning rain dried up and it turned into a fairly nice day.
I spent the day doing a bit more ripping out of the shower and digging out the concrete floor. By lunchtime I had got to the stage that I needed to get stuff from town. After my trip to town, I spent a while mixing up and pouring self-levelling compound on the floor where the new shower tray will go.
With that done, there wasn't much more I could do, so I took a trip along to the horses. I found my beautiful wife there giving Red a pedicure. George was out with Mum, my brother and being ridden by my niece. She seems very taken with riding George.
Home for a brief stop, then off to Mum and Dad's with HV for dinner with the clan. Been good to see them all, shame they are away home tomorrow.

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