Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

A Little Bit of Loveliness

After 2-days of posting ugliness, I thought this photo was necessary.

Thank you to everyone who has expressed concern. I appreciate all of you.

I wish I could erase the ugliness on my finger, but I think I might be living with an ugly ring-finger for the remainder of my life. Maybe a year from now I should take a photo of my finger to see whether 12-months helped to diminish the mess or whether the scar is hideous.

I am glad to still have a finger and immensely glad that it is not oozing with infection, which was a concern the ER doctor expressed. Today I removed the bandage so the skin could dry and it does feel a bit tight as I bend the knuckle, but I know that keeping the splint on it will only cause the knuckle to become stiff and most difficult to bend.

We have only one mini-yellow rose bush in our backyard. The dozens of blooms this bush produces each year makes this plant an A+ in my book. I'm sure I blip it too often, but I've done it again. I hope you like it.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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