
By PaulaJ

Etheldreda again

We stopped overnight in Ely a few weeks ago and we were both impressed with the beautiful cathedral. I bought a book about Etheldreda who, in the 7th century, founded the monastery in Ely and was installed as its first Abbess. This church became the Cathedral. I very much enjoyed the book, fascinated by the life of this Princess, Queen, Nun, Abbess.

And here we are again - another Ely overnight stay on our way south. This afternoon I returned to the Cathedral and followed an Etheldreda Trail, taking in all the depictions of the Saint dotted around. Some are in stained glass windows, there are some 14th century stone carvings depicting her life, but I really liked this 19th century wooden carving on the end of one of the choir stalls. She is seen here holding the church as it would have looked like when it was first founded.

Meanwhile Gordon went to visit Oliver Cromwell’s House - much more to his liking!

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