
By Hamp5on

A study in stairs

A very tired Asha today after yesterday's fun on the boat. She spent much of the day revising for a week of exams coming up - they're testing in every class she has!! Her old school didn't work like that, so it's an unpleasant shock to the system. We took a break and made hazelnut chocolate cupcakes using Mom's Nigella recipe, so all Nate-friendly. They're absolutely delicious! Later in the day I walked up the hill to leave some on Carol and Mercedes doorstep...blipped are the steps back down into town.
Nate decided to create a salon this afternoon, his services included hair and makeup. He declared he was going to make me 'look good', but said that it would 'take a while'! Ha!!! He also said he felt ready to start cutting hair, eeeek, and that he felt 'incredibly open to new things'!! He's a funny kid that one.
Asha felt very apprehensive about school at bedtime...because she's a coper sometimes I forget that all of this is going on under the surface.
Danny's flight home was delayed by an hour, so he wasn't home til about half midnight....but he's back and in one piece.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha doing well with her revision. 
2) Niece Lucie turning 10!
3) Danny being home safely. 

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