Andy Tang's Photo Journal

By AndyTang

More updates in the playroom...

My wife thinks I spend too much time in here, and tonight I added another functionality to the TV.

As well as the Freeview HD PVR, the DVD player, the Wii and the PS2, I've added a thin client.

What's a thin client? Well it's effectively a dumb terminal that draws it's computing power from a server/more powerful computer. I have a powerful and under utilised PC in the kitchen that is on my network. By installing some software on it, I can connect a small box near the TV. This box needs power (5 watts, on full load as you're asking), a VGA lead for video to the TV/monitor, a USB keyboard and mouse.

It uses the processing power and memory from the computer, which generates a session on that computer. So no need to worry about hard disk space, RAM, processor, etc as that's being managed on the main PC. The only thing is the main PC needs to be on, there has to be a network connection to the thin client and the PC is a little slower on boot up, but all small considerations to get PC functionality on a 32" TV.

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