Road wars

People have annoyed me today; more specifically stupid dare I say....women drivers.
I think my recent jaunts with Mr A have made me more aware of the road and the idiots on it. I'm actually ashamed to admit I've forgotten most of the Highway Code since I passed my test (but it has been 22 years!). May be time for a re-read?'s blip is of a big shiny red bus, similar to the one I was behind on the way home but obviously couldn't blip as I was driving.
What! I hear you cry!!! That's not a bus!!! Well the woman driving it thought it was.
Not only did she let every car in the borough out of a minor junction ( with little notice or regard for the huge queue forming behind her) while she was stationary in the middle of a main road , she then dithered about setting off again despite there being enough room for a jumbo jet to taxi down the road. Grrrrrrr!

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