Still scared of waves

I'm a little Collie pup who is scared of waves. I absolutely love, love, love, water. But I hate waves. How strange is that? I never go swimming in the sea because to get to a bit that is deep enough for me to swim, I have to jump past waves and I don't like waves. Waves are scary things . I'm only a little Collie pup and some of the waves are so big that they crash right over me.

Today Ann said, 'Trixie, let's see if we can conqueror your fear of waves.' Ann threw bits of seaweed into the sea and I had to retrieve them. Normally I like retrieving things. Mmmmm................ I don't like retrieving things if Ann throws them into waves.

…...........And then do you know what Ann said? She said, 'Trixie, I actually quite like the fact that you don't like waves. I don't know why I'm encouraging you to swim in the sea. Imagine if you started swimming in the sea and you swam so far out, that you thought you would swim to America; then I would never, ever see you again.'

I've had a lovely time on all the beaches today and now that Ann has stopped pressurising me to 'like waves'; I'm even more happy. Yay! 

I asked for early dinner at 5pm cos running around on the beaches twice today has worn me out. Dinner is gobbled up so I'm just going to snooze for the rest of the evening.

Happy Sunday evening Blippers. xxxx

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