A Little Bit of History
..local history, that is..
The Lynde House Museum is just down the street and the historical society was hosting History in the Park, a celebration of Days Gone By here in our town of Whitby...which I thought merited a short visit.
I have yet to take a tour of the house, but I do frequent the gift shop..heh heh..and have a few "artifacts" from it...scarves, hats, cards, journals and jams...all handmade. I do my best to support the cause...
I must admit it was a wee bit disconcerting to see a gym uniform from the era of my school days on display, along with long dresses, bonnets, and even a military re-enactment? Yikes..those old gym uniforms are considered historic? I actually wore one of those...? and it's considered a historical garment? What does that make me? Old? (extra)
Once we had made the rounds of the displays, Mary asked to revisit the yarn store as she had run out of knitting, and needed a project to work on for the flight home. One should never be without yarn....
Our evening after-dinner ritual during her visit has become some TV watching - old British shows of course.....Her favourite is now NewTricks - a series she had never seen before and now is quite taken with it.. so much so, that she keeps breaking out in song..with a little dance thrown in..I do understand - the theme song is quite catchy...
Mary has now bookmarked the song online so she can play it on a whim.. any place, at any time, I can understand that too..it is perfect for when one needs a little "It's alright, it's OK, doesn't really matter if you're old and gray.."
....like today..when one's youth is in a history exhibit!
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