Plant a tree . . .
. . . . in 23!
A local resident asked permission to plant a tree on the grass below McCaig's Tower to commemorate something or other, a very noble request. Unfortunately it has been planted directly underneath a power cable, and one day, someday, many years hence, the company will come round and cut the top out of the tree as they have done recently to quite a number of trees around here. Maybe I should suggest that they move it - there's plenty of room.
Not a bad day today, apart from the odd brief shower. More photographs to deal with, of course - I've been searching, without success, for the pictures I took on the day that I went up the Shard on one of my visits to London. It must be somewhere, but I've spent hours looking for it!
Popped down to the Walled Garden this afternoon and came back with a mere handful of runner beans - there might be a few more next weekend, but I think that's about it! Can't complain - we've had beans with almost every meal for quite some time now and still have some in the fridge!
Cleared some space by the window in the garage - I think I'll be looking for overwintering space for a number of pot plants soon!
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