Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Ghost signing

I've not noticed this sign before advertising Newton & Nicholson  Corrugated Metallic Fabricating Works by the River Tyne, Riverside Road in South Shields.  However the building holds another story.  The ground floor used to house a transport cafe and one morning 24 years ago my friend (who was also driving today)  and I called in for breakfast. We had just paid our money and were tucking in to our bacon and eggs when the door burst open and three men in long brown coats barged in and up to the counter, two went into the kitchen.  A loud conversation took place and immediately afterwards one of the men came to our table and commented, "Health Inspectors, we're closing this place down".  He took our food and we were ushered to the door.  And we never got our money back either!  I dread to think what we'd been eating.

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