
By BethAndCo

Nala had her babies

After a VERY long night of sitting on the dining room floor and looking after Nala, she eventually gave birth to her first kitten at 8.35 am this morning! It was a bit scary at first as she'd pushed some of the sac out but the kitten seemed to be a bit stuck, it took nearly an hour to get kitten number 1 out because of this kind of air bubble blocking the way. I was minutes from ringing the vets when out he came, phew!!! 3 more followed in quite quick succession and Nala was an absolute natural. I thought she was done so went to see to Eva, but when I came downstairs a short time later to check on mommy and her babies, another 2 had appeared and she was just finishing cleaning off kitten number 6. If I'm correct I'd say we have 4 boys and 2 girls and I think we have 2 black solids and 4 black tabbies but time will tell.

I cannot believe how good Eva was. I was so worried as the time was drawing nearer of what I'd do if Nala was in labour when Eva was awake and blummin' typical, Nala gave birth to kitten number 1 JUST as Eva woke up! I was gone a good hour or more while Nala was delivering, and when I went up to Eva she greeted me with such huge smiles, even though I'd left her lying in her bed all that time probably starving. I felt so guilty, but she was so happy, chattering and squealing away with big smiles and happy eyes. I was in dire need of a shower, and didn't really want to pick Eva up until I'd had one, so she then waited another 10 minutes til I was clean before she had her feed from 9pm the night before. She didn't cry once, I can't believe it, bless her soooo much.

We had literally a half hour nap together on the bed which is the only sleep I've had since I woke yesterday morning, but it did the trick and we then spent the afternoon with Grandad here while I kept going in to check on Nala and her gorgeous little babies.

Right, it's 9.50 pm and I need some sleep big time! Maybe I'll just go and look at the kittens one more time tonight.........

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