
By swift

Fatal Shore

I nearly wrecked today, which I'd been looking forward to since I booked it in June, with insomnia. Fatal Shore, part Wordfest, was a full day of crime writers & similar. Richard Osman graced us with his presence, also Kate Mosse (author with an -e at the end, as opposed to model without), and here Nicci French, who is two people. I knew this, but wasn't prepared for how alarmingly harmonious they are. Matching glasses, matching skintone, smiling at each other's jokes, writing 24 novels together, describing with obvious affection how they fell in love. I started to feel inadequate about my own domestic life, which is not unharmonious, but definitely would be if we tried to write a novel together.
Wonderful day, however, much laughter and very good natured all day. I gave up shortly before the end as I thought I might fall asleep and slide embarassingly from my seat. Recommended, and probably better with sleep beforehand.

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