Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

What Would My Mother Say?

Mr Mouse brought me flowers on Saturday sadly they sat in the sink unloved until Monday when I managed to find vases for them. I had no room down stairs for 2 vases so I threw caution to the wind and did something that my mother would not approve of, I brought the roses upstairs to be on my bedside table to help cheer me up.

Still not got any idea what the whole deal was about no flowers in the bedroom. I did google it and one suggestion was an old wives tale that they draw in all the oxygen leaving you to this was the best bit wake up dead *shakes head* the person writing the explanation really didn't think the last part through. But anyway there seemed to be a few explanations along the same vein.

Don't think one little vase is gonna suck all the oxygen out, so I think I am pretty safe but you know just to be sure I sleep with the window open anyway :)

Poorly tummy news - no longer dehydrated have eaten food today, including happy bacteria yoghurt (one bowl with strawberries and another with chocolate powder), soup and plain (well ok with some butter) rice, oh and ice lollies and I got to have my first cup of tea in days. Tummy is gurgling but not protested, still feel pretty exhausted and still have a headache but its easing, how do people voluntarily not eat for days?

Tomorrow I am planning something a little more substantial, but still tiny mouse sized bits, oh and I want a twix I am having actual food cravings rather than food blurgh

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