
No pictures today but my brother sent me this funny - had to look at it a few times before I got it!!!

Friday started with BP...............except it didn't!!  I left at the normal time but the traaaaaaffffic was awful.  Road closed due to water main repairs, diversion and stuck lorry meant I spent 40 minutes for two mile journey.  Late for class I decided to go in the gym instead and did cross trainer and running machine for half an hour but it is a bit boring!  I was meeting up with F for a coffee but dived into M&S for pastries en route.  Delightful couple of hours chatting and catching up - I have known her for many years but we have become closer over the last couple of years.  She can talk but I can manage to hold my own!

Home for shower and quick lunch then off to S for tea - more chatting and catching up and J also came even though we were meeting up for dinner.

Home again - quick change and OH drove to pick up J&S and we headed out for early impromptu curry supper.  Lovely meal and lots of chat.

Home again - quick episode of something then bed.

Busy day.

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