
It's impossible to take a speedy snap from a train window without reflections but I looked up and saw the red against the dark sky as my train pulled into the station and had to take a picture.

I managed to catch up quite a lot today, which was good, and even got some personal admin done, which was a bit of a bonus.  Himself was at home for another roofer to give us a quote to repair / replace too. He doesn't usually 'do' tradespeople as he's not massively practical  confident about what is needed but I think he's feeling bad as I've sorted out the last few things. I'm having a bit of a - very delayed - house maintenance splurge (mainly as things are starting to break) before getting it valued later this year. I figure if I put it on the market he'll have to agree to move!

I hope everyone has the weekend they expect and want.

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