No Way Out

Friday the thirteenth has struck with a vengeance today. Arriving at the gym, I found they were digging the yard up, and I was only just able to squeeze through to the car park. Not so lucky when I came to leave, as the wagon had arrived by then to collect all the broken up tarmac and I had to wait until he’d finished before I could get out. To be fair, it does need resurfacing as it’s full of potholes, but I thought they might have waited until the weekend when there is less traffic in and out. Whatever, it should all be done by the time I next go to the gym. I hope!
This afternoon, I was trying to watch something on catch up on the tv but couldn’t get the guide to load. When I tried to update the channel list, all that happened was that I lost every channel and had a message saying there was no aerial attached! So I had to do a complete reinstallation, which restored all the channels, but lost the saved login details for all the various iPlayer type services. And - Sod’s Law - I hadn’t got a record of some of them so had to do multiple password resets.
All working now - and password list updated - but I can’t watch what I was trying to watch because I’ve run out of time! We’ve got a gig at The Derby tonight so I need get the gear packed and head off to Barrow. Looking forward to it, but really hoping that there is no more bad luck to come. I was toying with the idea of only taking the one guitar, but today is not the day to tempt fate, so the spare is in the boot with the rest of the gear.

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