
By Edgey

Ken The Horse

I need to be very careful with this blip, or, the native borderers with string me up by the goolies and  make stovies out of my innards. So, with this in mind heres the link to the history of this magnificent statue - http://www.kenthehorse.co.uk/ .

Now thats out the way ,today started with an appointment with a nurse who can write prescriptions etc etc...it was the next best thing to actually getting to see a doctor , who seem to still be hibernating somewhere unknown. She was a lovely woman who after a 10 minute chat suggested that she made an appointment with a GP there and then. It wou.dnt be my own GP as she was still on maternity leave. She must be having twins as shes been on maternity leave for at least 18 months, infact I've never met the woman yet because shes been busy  popping out babies. So next week I have a appointment with 'drum roll' ....... an actual doctor. Yaay!! Now, dont think I'm not grateful but it would have saved a lot of time if I could have seen a GP in the 1st place. To top it off the nurse wanted to take some blood and that would be another appointment. Honestly, couldnt make this up... no wonder the NHS is crumbling. So thats my rant overf or the day. Am home now and chilling, some Joe Bonamassa always does the job of cheering me up. Happy weekend ! 

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