
By CreativeCarol

I'm coming back...

from being endangered. Yeah! The Wood Stork Bird was officially listed in 1984, as an endangered species. As of this year, it has been proposed to down list them from Endangered to Threatened. This recovery is due to the success that Florida has had with their management of our wetlands. This wading bird is 3 feet high, with a bald head, curved bill, black and white plumage and a wingspans of 6 feet long. Originally, it was only known to nest in Florida , but now they are in several other states.
They are a funny bird to see and watch. When there are more than one, they have a unique style of dancing!

It is amazing how in only a short time of observing nature, I can forget struggles or problems and just release them. Moira and I enjoyed our morning of biking to a different park than we usually visit. She loved the different playground, but was far more interested in watching the birds. It is diffidently a park we will visit again.

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