Water Baby

I was up early this morning to go Nordic Walking with the group in the forest, and on our way back we walked past the lake where there were lots of goslings. So once we'd finished I walked back with my camera to see what I could blip.

There was a family of Geese on the bank of the lake and I approached them very slowly so as not to disturb them, and I took photos from a distance to start with until I was very close. It was quite comical watching them - the parents were on their guard all the time and the goslings wandered off across the path until Mr Goose made a sound and they all ran back to him and off they went into the water.

I managed to get quite a few good shots, but I particularly like this one who seemed to be a little more curious than the others and seemed to keep watching me. If you look closely you can see the water droplets on its back.

This afternoon I met my friend Chris for lunch and we had a nice catch up as well as comparing notes on moving, as she is moving to Barcelona next month. Talking of which, our removal van is now booked and confirmed for 1st August, so it's all systems go!

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