My Girl

Poor Asha looked like she was struggling this morning, but she dosed up and went to school to do her maths exam. She had, thankfully, perked up when I met her after school. I got my days mixed and thought she was off Friday but Nate wasn't, turns out both will be off and Danny away... Asha had wanted a girls morning, so we swapped it for this afternoon instead. We went to a new ice cream place, then walked to the beach and sat on the paseo and nattered. I've got an app with random open ended questions and it started such good conversation with her. 
Home so that Danny could go teach and Asha could go to an art class (she missed yesterday's).
We tried Nate on some lactose-free cheese this evening...we'll see how he goes. We're not sure if his intolerance is to all dairy or to lactose, but as he's off school for a day or 2 because of fiestas it seems a good time to try. The doc says unfortunately trial and error is really the only way.
I saw the ES guys and tried to film a talk outdoors for 24-7 for Thought of the Month. However I kept getting video-bombed by dog walkers, and when I eventually wasn't, my battery died!! I'll try again tomorrow!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time with Asha, getting to know her better... especially special as she's changing and growing so much at the moment. 
2) Nate's utter delight at being given some homework!! He'd got it all done in no time!
3) Bumping into several Roma friends today, including Chele, Sole's husband.

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