Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Window shopping

We went to something today called Decorex at Kensington Olympia, which is like the Ideal Home exhibition but for individuals with lifestyles way beyond ours. You are talking people who will happily pay £15,000 for a rug for their £2million house. But there was much to admire and marvel at, and some of the artisan stallholders were really nice to talk to, including the woman who makes stuff out of steel wire. My favourite bit was the VIP lounge (we had been gifted tickets so didn't even have to blag our way in). For some reason it was like a lush red bordello inside (see extra) with basques and lingerie hanging on rails and a selection of whips, dildos and spanking devices in cabinets. We had a cocktail and a glass of wine and kept our clothes on. 

I spotted this woman walking past a colour wheel and got lucky with the shot.

Anyway back to work tomorrow for six weeks then retiring for good. Yippee Ki Yay.

Latest podcast published today. 
The perils of 2025. interview with an artist, a conversation with an AI and The Eurythmics.

The shitshow in Israel continues. My god ...

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