
By BikerBabe

Music for Insomniacs (& Rogue Lavender)

Slight Backblip going on here. I originally uploaded the extra before settling down as planned to listen to some music...and then I took a pic of what's playing and much preferred as the main so here we are.

I first became aware of Matt Berry as a very unique comic actor, until briefly having the privilege to know a young music fan who had landed his dream job working for Eddie Pillar's Acid Jazz Records in London.

He basically had not a bad word to say about Matt Berry & gifted an LP he had done of classic British television theme tunes & indents. They were indistinguishable from the originals to my ears but reading the sleeve notes, the were entirely performed by him, and wow.

So, being a shift working occasional insomniac & reading of an original work of his, the concept being based around insomnia and with a title taking a lead from Brian Eno's series of 'Music for...' albums it was an easy decision to make to get a copy. It is peppered with riffs from some well known synth artists so not entirely pure but is a fascinating listen all the same.

In extra news, have spotted a few sprigs of Lavender popping up around our driveways block pave. Have never noticed this before but am not complaining because Lavender. Wonder if they will survive into next year?

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