
By bigred1977

Sunset over Water.....

So as I am back in Sydney & tinter net access is limited again I am back to back blipping everyfew days...added to that I now have the inconvenience of work to deal with I can predict a drop in quality blips on weeks (I know bet you didn't think they could get any worse !!) with hopefully more interesting ones on the weekend.....anywho this was the day I drove back through to Sydney on my hoo.

Went out for dinner with friends once I got here & had a fairly early night before my first day of work in 6 months.......that would be a good time for an Eastenders duff duff moment for any Easterenders fans out there......

Oh yeah to the picture on the way back into sydney , there was some fantastic fog/mist on the way into the city but couldn't stop....damn it !!!

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