
By reich2hardt

Arnie Road Barn

It was evening and I was on my way home from Bellingham. I had not taken any pictures yet today and it was nearly 5:30 p.m. and I wanted to find something while the light was good. Also, I really wanted to go back to my barn theme. I knew there were barns on Birch Bay Lynden Road and I thought there were some on Ham and Arnie Road so I took a quick turn left off of Birch Bay Road onto Arnie.

Around the second bend in the road I saw a beautiful barn but I would have to go down a private driveway to get the right view so I went on. Another barn was too far out in the field and off the road. Finally I came on a barn with the late sun shining on it and the blue sky framing it well, so I made a stop. I only had to park in the turn around and off the road for the right view. I took the first blip then changed the angle for another shot. I did not have my tripod so it went quite quickly.

Just then I saw the "No Trespassing" sign. My heart skipped a bit of a beat. I looked around me and noticed I had not gone off the road or onto the private property. Just then a lady came out of one of the sheds by the barn and asked me what I was doing. I said I was taking a picture of the barn because it was a neat one.

She wondered if I was with the railroad or something and of course I said "No." then I showed her the pictures I had just taken and she was quite interested and thought they were pretty. I told her I would bring her a print of the best one. She smiled and said that would be nice. I thanked her for her time and said I had to go home and fix dinner.

What could have been an awkward encounter became a pleasant encounter. I think she wanted to visit more but I realized, in this moment, I needed to be more careful where I stopped to take my blip shots and watch more carefully for "No Trespassing" signs.

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