Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go


Dewdrops on Rengarenga, a native New Zealand plant.
Arthropodium cirratum is a species of herbaceous perennial plants endemic to New Zealand, where it may once have been farmed. It is used for medicine as well as food, and has symbolic importance in traditional Maori culture - thank you Wikipedia. I love them, and have many renga lilies around my property.

We had a very heavy dew overnight, and the droplets on the renga rengas at the back of the house were profuse. A friend came and took me out for coffee - my first time out of the house for 6 days! - and I noticed all the dewdrops when we returned. It's only a couple of steps from the garage, so I got a little folding campstool, sat myself on that, and captured whatever I could, with the leg supported somehow! It was a treat doing that outside :)

Today has been easier than yesterday, most likely because I've taken everything very slow! The crutches have been used more too.

It's better in Large

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