It was a doozy!

Well we got the rain predicted and then some. It was 4.5 inches when I went out and looked at the rain gauge this morning. The ground is squishy when I walk on it. I have to say the trees are smelling really good though. They were ready for a drink.
I had a couple pictures all ready from this morning of the the water coming over the road down at the long pond, but it cleared up this afternoon and I went for a walk. The main photo is where Shepardson Brook flows under the road down the road a bit, around a big curve. The water was still flowing over the road and filled this field. There is just supposed to be a small creek, meandering through it.
This morning I was inspecting my cosmos. Some had fallen over so I tied them back up when I noticed there were about 5 very drenched, sluggish bumblebees that had hung on for dear life over night. I cut off the flowers they were on and put them in the tomato house were it was warmer and out of the mist. When I went back later in the day they had all taken off... Yay!!
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