The future

Milly & her fiancée Tom are restoring an old family house that was abandoned 20 years ago.  Walking round with them and hearing their plans was inspiring and fun.  I wondered when this tack on the walls was last used and they thought whenever the last field was horse ploughed.  As many photographers have found, there is beauty in decay but there was more beauty in the hope and love for this house and for each other. 

In the morning we woke up in the huge hotel and came down to breakfast surrounded by Californians all there for a wedding and other Americans who were there to play golf.  The entry to the hotel flies both American and Irish flags. The course staged the Irish Open two years running but I find the sight of endless golf courses dispiriting.  We walked through some lovely mature woods though and down to the river Nore and as it was warm and the leaves were beginning to turn it was soothing and lovely. 

Went to meet up with M&T and visited first the ruined medieval Priory by their house which was huge!  And ancient. And then up to the farm.  Milly took V and I to look at a pottery (a potter I knew actually) where we had a lovely lunch and bought a few seconds.  In the evening we went to one of their favourite restaurants in Kilkenny which was brilliant.  Called Campagne, the food and wine were superb! 

Back to Little America for the night 

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