Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A calm morning at the pond

Today was a first for me be wearing a cool summer dress in the second week of October! It was uncomfortably warm today, crazy weather for this time of year.

Last night we enjoyed the England vs Samoa rugby match, what a game where England fought back and went on to win. Ben Earl has been quoted by some reports as being the best player of the match, making the most tackles in the match. In extras is a photo of Ben at age 16, he was always a remarkable player and we all knew he would play for England one day.

This morning we had a walk on Esher Common and the pond was calm today with some lovely reflections. Afterwards I helped Gavin plan a menu for the week as he and Tommy will be cooking dinner for themselves, then we went to the newly renovated Waitrose to get the groceries needed. The new Waitrose is looking really good, with a much better layout that makes shopping easier as things are where you would expect them to be. For example the fresh meat and poultry was always in one aisle and the fresh fish was somewhere else - now there is a wide aisle with new fridges which has meat and poultry on one side and fresh fish and seafoods on the other, which to my mind makes more sense.

Gavin and I had lunch at our local pub, it was delicious. Then back home for me to finish my packing. I can take hours and hours to pack as I am a bit of a perfectionist and don't like to be caught out with something I may need, yet at the same time try to pack as lightly as I possibly can. A few hours did the trick and I am all packed and ready now for my 6.30am taxi pickup tomorrow morning.

Oh and the dishwasher is not working, The technician tested it yesterday and he said it was working fine but last night it would not work. Another phone call and undoubtedly more expenses tomorrow.

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