Jardim do Mar

I’ve realised that the sea’s been strangely absent from my blips of Madeira - though of course, yesterday’s celebrated Camara de Lobos at night. Considering we’ve spent nearly two weeks on a small island, this seems very remiss of me. 

And so today’s visit further west to the tiny settlement of Jardim do Mar provides an opportunity to rectify this. 

We know little about this place except it’s supposed to be picturesque- and that it’s a famous surfing centre. We’re reminded of the latter fact by the relentless warm wind that surges through the village, vegetation bending in its path. This is a strange but fascinating place. It seems deserted, and both this fact and the dazzling quality of light bring to mind Greek island villages in the heat of a summer afternoon. 

Narrow cobbled pathways wend their way steeply between houses down towards the sea, dwellings ranging from abandoned ruins to well maintained homes, the former probably dating back to times when the village was only accessible by boat and many inhabitants left. Now a road of remarkable engineering clings to the cliffs to connect Jardim do Mar with the rest of the island, and it’s been reborn. 

Like many of these little towns, brightly coloured garlands and flags are strung across the streets, sunlight and whitewashed buildings emphasising their vibrancy. Colour too comes from the flowers and succulents growing in profusion; after all, this place is named ‘Garden of the Sea’.  

My intention as I’ve been writing is to post a sea view as my main today, but I just don’t feel it captures the essence of this charming yet deserted place, so instead I’ve chosen something far less obvious - the entrance to a tiny bar, view hidden by the half-open ancient door. Then in extras there’s a shot of the festive decorations, with collages of the sea and vegetation plus the crumbling areas of the village. Apologies - yet again, the sea’s been relegated! 

Many thanks for your kind response to yesterday’s fishing village evening. 

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