It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

LPH .....

I know for some reason you are all thinking my blips will be good this week.....but think again! They are not scenery as this was not a Landscape workshop ....its to help me in photoshop.

I know what your thinking.....Its a bit of a dull picture.....I took it using the ultra wide angle lens ...there for I had converging verticals...or put it this way the LPH house looked wonky...(For techy lovers) so I used the grid to see how far out a wack I was and ....well.... Im not going into the specific's but it was a little test for me.

John will now correct me and say its not totally straight but it was bloomin hard to get the house corrected.

I do hope I have a wee bit more sleep as I watched 4am come and go last night ;-(

Its been a great day learning today and I really hope I can make it sink in.

TTFN Blippies

Draco x

PS I think John will help me find a WIIW so keep your eyes right here!!!

Or maybe not as we are going out this afternoon so I might blip something nice.

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