Gwaith hydrefol

Gwaith hydrefol ~ Autumnal work

“While there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see.”
― Dorothea Lange

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Heddiw treuliais i'r oriau yn yr ardd i geisio paratoi lle i storio gwastraff ardd. Ar hyn o bryd does dim casglu gwastraff ardd gyda ni oherwydd bod y gweithwyr ar streic - felly mae'n rhaid i ni ei storio ein hunain. Dewison ni ardal esgeuluso ac wedi gordyfu am gadw'r gwastraff, felly roedd rhaid i mi glirio'r lle cyn rydyn ni'n gallu ei defnyddio. Yn gobeithio, ychydig mwy o oriau a bydd hi'n barod.

Mae llawer o waith gwahanol gyda ni o gwmpas y tŷ ac yr ardd. Rydw i'n ffeindio bod hi'n dda iawn i gadw ffocws ar y gwaith wrth law ac nid yn meddwl am y gwaith arall sydd angen ei wneud. Un peth ar un pryd.

Mewn newyddion arall, rydw i'n dod i'r diwedd o fy mhrosiect i ddileu llawer o fy ffotograffau. Dechreuais i gyda mwy na 150,000 a nawr mae 'dim ond' 100,000 gyda fi - felly rydw i wedi dileu tua un rhan o dair o'r domen. Mae e wedi bod prosiect diddorol i fynd trwy'r ffotograffau, yn enwedig y ddeg flwyddyn olaf ers i mi ddechrau gyda Blipfoto. Mae'n fel fy mywyd yn 'fflachio o flaen fy llygaid'.  Rydw i'n gweithion mewn trefn gronolegol ac mae'n ddiddorol i weld sut mae fy nheimlo yn newid dros yr adegau. Mae'r ffotograffau henaf yn teimlo 'hanesyddol', mae'r ffotograffau mwy newydd yn fwy fel 'materion cyfoes'. Yn y pen draw bydd y 'materion cyfoes' i fod bydd yn dod 'hanesyddol'. Wrth i amser fynd heibio.

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Today I spent hours in the garden trying to prepare a place to store garden waste. At the moment we don't have garden waste collection because the workers are on strike - so we have to store it ourselves. We chose a neglected and overgrown area for keeping the waste, so I had to clear the place before we could use it. Hopefully, a few more hours and she'll be ready.

We have a lot of different work around the house and garden. I find it very good to stay focused on the work at hand and not think about the other work that needs to be done. One thing at a time.

In other news, I'm coming to the end of my project to delete many of my photographs. I started with over 150,000 and now I 'only' have 100,000 - so I've cleared about a third of the heap. It has been an interesting project to go through the photographs, especially the last ten years since I started with Blipfoto. It's like my life is 'flashing before my eyes'. I work in chronological order and it's interesting to see how my feelings change over time. The older photographs feel 'historical', the newer photographs are more 'current affairs'. Eventually the 'current affairs' will become 'historical'. As time goes by.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Gardd, menig a secateurs
Description (English): Garden, gloves and secateurs

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