Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Three games today!

Today was rain rain and more rain, and what makes it worse is that the rest of the country has warm, sunny weather. Archie refused to go out for his morning walk with JR, then he refused to go out with me, but I insisted, and we eventually got to the corner of the road. Had to walk a bit more (him sheltering under the hedges) until he did his business. He likes being dried and then being wrapped up in the towel. I texted Elizabeth not to come today (Archie didn't know it was Saturday). JR took him out again in the afternoon for a longer walk and then he had a nice warm bath and blow dry.

I really didn't mind the rain - I wasn't going anywhere today, with three WC Rugby matches on one after the other. Well done Wales, and what a corker the England v Samoa game was. And well done Ireland! Scotland didn't really give them any problems, sadly, and only pulled the finger out in the last ten minutes.

Ireland to win the 2023 World Cup1

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