Not the day I was planning. I was looking forward to a day in given the weather forecast. But my phone froze on me this morning then turned its self back on, then froze again at the starting up point. I googled and found a possible way to get it back on but it didn't work.
I went up to EE and got the answer I was expecting. Nothing could be done. I wasn't really surprised given the phone is 5+ years old.
Got a new one on contract again and went home, then realised I didn't have the bag with box and the charger in it so jumped on the bus again and retrieved it from the shop.
Home to charge it to find the cable doesn't match the plug I have despite it still being the same make. So back up to the shop tomorrow!
A quick shot as I left St James Quarter after realising I have smashed the filter on my lens . What a day.
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