Snap happy

When I joined blipfoto just over a year ago I wanted to try and record things about my families daily life. I wanted to try and blip each day. In a way it was a fulfilment of a New Years resolution I made a long time ago (I'm talking 15/20 years, back in the day of films and processing and albums), to take photos of daily life rather than just of occasions.

For me blip has always been more about the journal than the quality of the photograph, however I have discovered, as I know many others have too, that an offshoot of the blip journey is that you end up wanting to improve your photography. That said I often rely on a hastily taken iphone shot, mainly because I can upload directly rather than finding that cable again...

So, my aim over the next few weeks is to back blip the photos I have taken and make more of an effort to get my fancy camera ( yes, that wee Sony that you are all thinking was like your basic compact) out and more importantly, to transfer and upload the photos.

My journal may well be close to 100 entries short of the calendar days but I got three children to bed and asleep by 9pm tonight and I am taking that as quite an achievement!

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