In asynchronus mode..

By Mobius


..Hoverfly far as I can workout, but hoverflies apparently are notoriously difficult to identify. Its tiny (see extras).

One of 3 or 4 species of insect I see on the wild sunflowers in our garden every time I walk past currently. That's why I planted it this year - late season nectar. A couple of extras for scale.

The King 

He managed 3 hours at school today, and 2 very caring girl twins were looking after him apparently. He refused to use his walking frame today , so walked with assistance. Pleased to hear that the headmistress, 3 teachers/teaching assistant, Dad and community cancer nurse had a 2 hour meeting yesterday discussing his condition, care etc.

He, mum and dad drove the 45 mins to visit us at home this afternoon, which was fabulous - he had kept his school clothes on,  loved seeing Enzo, was "break dancing" and managing tentatively to walk the odd step but an hour or so had run empty so they headed back home. 

He needs more platelets tonight, based on this afternoons blood test's at home, but none available because of his rare blood type, so hopefully will have some tomorrow.

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