
By KarenM25

Egret Day...

Another sunny and warm day in Essex - still watering plants in the garden with a hosepipe!

Off for a little wander this morning to the nature reserve locally, where a kingfisher had been spotted a couple of times this week!  And of course no sign of it when i get there!! But did see 3 different types of egret - the little egret and great white egret in this pic, with the cormorant, along with cattle egrets who were enjoying the company of the cows in a field!

Was very quiet on the bird front with lots of birds in the distance and nothing up close - lots of sleeping shovellers, a few swans, lapwings... and a patrolling marsh harrier who I'm sure was making other birds keep well hidden!  One of the down sides to this nature reserve is that there are no hides so you're totally out in the open!

And this afternoon I've had to do rescue missions in the garden as something - foxes probably! - have been digging under bird tables causing great big holes! Not sure what they''re digging for but it's annoying!!  Even the stone bird bath had been upended overnight! I think I need cameras out there to see what kind of partying is going on overnight!

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