Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


The flame tree in front of my living room balcony catches the setting sun in an amazing way for a few minutes during sunset. This is my attempt to capture that light. I haven't quite done it justice. Need to try again soon.

I have taken 3 photos today (all of the above) and looked at hundreds in search of specific things for the "photo project". Sorry folks; I didn't quite get to many of you today. Found out our cleaner won't be back until the end of August! Not good news for me. I was hoping to see him next week! Funny how you so quickly get used to some things.

The other thing of real importance that I did today was to re-wire my stereo. Without going into too much technical detail, it now produces clean stereo sound right from start up and this is cheering me no end! It took all of 10 minutes. Don't know why I didn't do it sooner; it's annoyed me since last September!

Hoping to go for two free glasses of champagne tomorrow night. REALLY looking forward to that! :)

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