Smithiantha HB's Mila

I acquired two different Smithianthas this year as small, dormant tubers.   Gesneriads related to Achimenes and Kohleria which I have blipped quite often, they have proved slow growers and are flowering after most of the others are well past their summer best.   This, much the smaller plant of he two, is the first to flower.  With plenty of buds to come I hope for more of these very pretty flowers.  It's currently in the rear porch but will come indoors when cold weather arrives as like it's relatives it comes from tropical climes.

Feeling a bit brighter today, I survived a day at work without the big dip in energy that overtook me on Monday.  I did have a quiet time in  a comfy chair when I got home but then spent a couple of hours at pottery this evening, starting a couple of new pieces.   A couple of days off and better weather forecast so hopefully the uplift will continue.

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