
By Stella2

Tree line

Today I headed home.  It was an easy journey especially since I decided not to take any detours and the weather was pleasant changing from sunny to cloudy throughout the journey.  The roads are certainly quieter as you approach Devon.  I called in at a supermarket on the way back home since I had a car, (our one is still in for repair) and managed to get a fair number of the things we will need.  Our daughter and family are arriving tomorrow.

I arrived home in time for a late lunch and a much needed coffee. Afterwards I phoned the garage to find that the car is planned to be done tomorrow.  As a consequence I then popped out to another supermarket and then some eggs from a nearby farm shop just before it closed for the day.   I quickly grabbed this shot of the trees from the farm.  By now the weather had clouded over.  What a busy day but I need to return the hire car tomorrow morning.

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